The best compliment I ever got was from someone buying my vacuum. When I met him in my company’s parking lot, the first thing he said as I rolled my old Oreck up to him was, “This is the best communication I’ve ever had on Facebook Marketplace.”
Transparency builds trust.
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Writing and publishing children's books is an art form. Unlock your creativity with this guide for how to get started writing a children's book. Discover tips on thesis statements, subject matter, and outlining to captivate young readers.
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I get the question regularly: How many rejections is too many? When do I stop submitting the story I wrote — or give up on writing entirely?
Let’s talk about why rejections are actually good, how to reframe them, and why you should hold onto any scrap of constructive feedback.
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Creative writing can be about anything! Yay! Huzzah!
This is not a blog post about focusing your plot. This is a blog post about freedom.
Phew. A lofty statement, that one, am I right? But here’s the deal: So many of us (like, sooo many) sit down to write and are stricken by the belief that it must look a certain way. But it doesn’t!
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Wherever you are in your path to publication, at some point, you’ll wonder if creating an author website is a necessity.
TL;DR Sure, why not? :) Let’s talk about what to include on a writing website.
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The truth is that as writers, we cannot see the forest for the trees. Like, cannot. I’ve been writing stories and submitting manuscripts for more than a decade, as well as editing some incredible books myself, and let me tell you: I needed a creative writing editor.
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The struggle of working off one’s ass (as well as not ending in a preposition) with the sole purpose of more, more, more is, frankly, ugly to me. It didn’t used to be, but now, I’m not impressed by my past self. She seems easily influenced by what she thinks she should be doing instead of what she wants to be doing.
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A fellow writer doing the hard work of slogging away to fill in the blank page emailed me a question that gave me pause: how in the world does one write an entire book?
This one had me scratching my head: How do we fill a novel? How do we sustain a story across hundreds of pages and thousands of words? My goodness, it looks like Mount Everest. But I have some ideas to share.
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For a variety of reasons, 2018 was not a strong year of writing for me. But I never stopped cooking.
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Popping in after nine months away to make two confessions about my writing life.
And P.S., can you still call it a writing life if you haven’t done much writing? Asking for a friend.
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