The best compliment I ever got was from someone buying my vacuum. When I met him in my company’s parking lot, the first thing he said as I rolled my old Oreck up to him was, “This is the best communication I’ve ever had on Facebook Marketplace.”
Transparency builds trust.
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After more than a year away to care for my son's complex medical needs, I'm back. Katie Lewis Creative is now booking for your freelance copywriting and content marketing projects.
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When you want a dream so badly you can taste it, that goal can feel lightyears away.
These are the lessons I’ve learned to tackle challenges head-on and grow closer to living the life you want.
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Freelance writers often overwhelm their schedules with projects, putting us in a bind when surprise quick turnarounds are needed. I don’t want to live in a fog of stress, though; do you? Here’s how respecting myself and my time got me exactly what I wanted.
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Pinterest can be an amazing source of traffic for your content and products, but it’s pretty different from other social media platforms. And it’s actually not really a social media platform: Pinterest is a visual search engine.
So if you want to make sure you’re best using this amazing platform for your business, you need to focus on SEO strategies. Here are the foundational steps of Pinterest SEO to help you get started.
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Beginning a career as a freelance writer is actually fairly straightforward. Get the answers to your burning questions about where to find jobs, how to create ongoing business relationships, and ensure you make money.
No more writing as a hobby — it’s go time.
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Using your blog to build professional authority and reputation is one of the best ways to consistently show up for your audience and climb the ranks of search result pages.
Sound daunting? Nah. I’ve broken it down for all us creative types, so let’s get to learning!
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There’s a formula to successful freelance story pitches. Here are two tips to get a publication or company to buy your writing work.
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