What not to include in a résumé

Over many years working with job-seeking clients, I've learned just how scared they are about putting together a résumé. They fear that one wrong action verb could dash their chances at their dream job.

It typically isn't the case -- hey, if you qualify for a job and can clearly express it, you're likely to win an interview -- but I love helping them finesse their job application documents. After reviewing scores of outdated résumés, I'd say there are eight things you should never include in your résumé.

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Are you building strong connections with your tribe?

I wrote this headline and immediately gave myself pause, because I think my answer is no, I'm not. There's a big difference between connections (social media followers) and strong connections (selfless relationships). As entrepreneurs, we place a huge emphasis on gaining a following in the hopes of earning clients, but first, we have to earn our community's selfless trust.

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Why you should narrow your content's focus

It’s a good thing to have so many ideas, and we definitely don't want to change your creativity, yet perfecting your work's niche is vital to its success. In marketing, we talk about focused calls to action: What do you want your reader to do with what you've told them? You can pick one thing. Okay, sometimes the situation calls for two CTAs, but let's put constraints on ourselves to see what happens: Pick one thing. Here's how.

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