Will you commit to writing, at the bare minimum, once a week for a year?

Come on. You can do it.

In her book How to Meditate, Pema Chödrön writes:

"Everything is support in our awakening. We've been conditioned to kvetch, kvetch, kvetch. Blame, blame, blame. One of the major ways that we don't stay present is blaming. We blame ourselves; we blame other people. I often see students blaming the outer circumstances or blaming their own bodies and minds for why they can't be present. Consider that what needs your attention and consideration is your own mind, and how you view these outer circumstances. You can befriend your circumstances; you can have compassion for your circumstances and for yourself. What happens when you do that?"

What would happen if you committed to weekly writing? If you're anything like me, you'd find a million reasons to do anything except the hard work of meeting your most vulnerable self at your desk. It's easy to fall off the creative writing bandwagon when bosses and deadlines, partners and friends all clamor for your attention.

That's why I created The 52-Week Project, for writers like you and me who need a nudge. This project is a free weekly email series. One writing prompt a week: That's all there is to it.

We're often grappling with imposter syndrome, thinking we aren't who we think we are until someone else validates it, so let me say now: You have permission. Not my permission, but your own -- the permission to be what you know you already are: a writer.

Here's the evidence to get you started:

What would happen if you committed to weekly writing? If you're like me, you'd find a million reasons to do anything except the hard work of meeting your most vulnerable self at your desk. The 52-Week Project is a free weekly email series. One writi…

A bit of tough love: You can't be a writer if you aren't writing. That's literally a fact, and since you're a writer (or maybe simply one who has fallen off that ol' bandwagon), you know the difference between "literally" and "figuratively."

Consider this your invitation: Join me in one free creative writing prompt each week to try your hand at something stimulating and new. All I ask is that you take 15 minutes, on your own time, to let yourself be inspired by the emailed prompt.

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