Katie Lewis Creative

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Pinpoint your excuse for not writing

What's keeping you away from your work?

I've ushered in 2017 with a load of client work, presumably keeping me from my creative projects. Many creatives are able to strike a balance between the work that pays for their groceries and the work that feeds their soul, but I've never found that balance for myself; it's all or nothing for me. I hugely commend you if you're one of those marvelous multi-taskers. I'm starting to think I'm using this client work as a way to avoid the much harder trial of staring down a blank page.


Have you been avoiding writing, too? What's your excuse?

I ask not as an indictment or tough love, but rather as a real exploration of your inside life. It only helps to better understand how our minds work, where we find energy and inspiration.

That line there: "unafraid to write from my very core." I'm only beginning to understand what it means to write fearlessly, and let me tell you: It can be terrifying to tell the truth in your fiction. But it's necessary, and we can only get there once we strip away prejudice.

Make a list, either on paper or your computer. Title it "My excuses for avoiding writing." Write freely, without overthinking. Here, I'll join you.

My excuses for avoiding writing

Eek, I'm cringing. Some of those excuses read as whiny, but what I'm gathering from the second and sixth bullet points is that I need inspiration. And that's manageable!

If you've written before, you know you can do it. There's no need for fear.

If you have other responsibilities, well, duh, you're human. You think Cheryl Strayed and George Saunders only sit around writing all day? Not so. They have to clean their homes, read email, sleep at night, mow the lawn, engage with their families -- They have to do all the things we humans do; they're just closer to figuring out that creative life balance.

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While reading Kerry Egan's On Living last week, I hurriedly copied down these three lines, which I'm using as a jumping-off point for this year:

What I love about her words is that they're so simple. We can overcomplicate the way creativity plays out in our lives, but the truth is that it's up to us to make it work.

Who do you want to become? If you're anything like me, you want to become a writer who finds ways to fit in creativity without becoming totally frazzled.

So let's do it, damnit.

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